Death by Scheduling

It’s no secret that I live and die by my schedule. If something isn’t in my schedule then it simply doesn’t get done. There’s a huge amount of flexibility in self-employment and/or working from home which I’ve talked about here and here....

Blue51 Show and Tell: Blitzing an Email Campaign

Remember the days of dial up internet, where the only sound better than that screechy connection whine was the ping of a new email? With upwards of 100 emails hitting my inbox each day (and that’s after regular massive cull and unsubscribe sessions), I don’t really...

Blue51 Show and Tell: Launch 101

By goodness, I love a launch event! I love running around with a clipboard, I love sending out invitations, I love nurturing media interest and I even love lining up flyers so they look good on Instagram. Today’s Blue51 Show and Tell is a bit of a Launch101- how I...

How to Create a Bloody Awesome Annual Report

Can you feel it in the air? The temperatures are rising, as I leave for the gym the sky is getting lighter and one of my best friends is runny-eyed and sneezing, cursing the blossom. It’s Spring Down Under! It’s also Annual Report season, and annual report copywriting...
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