Here’s a not-so-secret confession- I’m a wannabe photographer. Sadly, my skills extend little beyond the auto function on my DSLR, so I engage the big guns when my clients need good imagery to support their communications.
A strong image bank gives the foundation for a range of communications tactics- social media strategies, flyers, event PR and signage and branding. I have found it also improves the chances of media running stories when you can say ‘take a look at these images to support this article, they’re fantastic.’
Today’s Blue51 Show and Tell celebrates an amazing photoshoot I’ve worked on recently for a client with a superstar photographer.
The project:
An image bank for Being3 Kindergarten.
The client:
Being3 is a privately-owned boutique kindergarten with centres in Melbourne. It offers an educational Kindergarten Program for children aged three years to five years, with Monday to Friday programs including before and after care, and school holiday programs.
The tagline (and overarching philosophy) of Being3 is ‘where play is valued and learning matters.’ Being3 offers local families an attractive, affordable option to kindergarten education for their children through a bespoke, family-centred long day kindergarten model- it is not sessional, nor is it a childcare service.
The client’s target audience:
Being3’s audience comprises current families as well as prospective families, and those professionals advising families on early childhood options, such as maternal and child health nurses and GPs.
The approach:
Being3 celebrates children and early learning and education, and needed an image library that reflected the key strengths of the business.

image bank
The creators:
I was incredibly lucky to have an engaged, enthusiastic client for this project who set up spaces and shots beautifully, briefed her staff and gave my wonderful photographer full reign of the premises.
Photography by Nerida Phelan Photography. Nerida also created the image back for another client, Western Special Needs Dentistry, from last Blue51 Show and Tell.
The results:
The client has started using her beautiful images across her social media channels, and a website upgrade is scheduled, as well as a range of beautiful promotional flyers. These images, some fabulous copywriting and some targeted communications strategies will stand this amazing business in good stead, providing a much needed service to local families.
I love working with people as talented as Nerida, providing support to my amazing clients to create communications that reflect their awesomeness. If you’re in need of a mirror to reflect your own awesomeness please get in touch– I’d love to help out.
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This is a post in my blog series about Blue51 Show and Tell. Each month, I share some of the projects I’m working on for my fabulous clients. I can’t wait to show you both the work we’re producing, as well as the amazing results they’re achieving in their businesses.
There’s more unabashed bragging on my Facebook and Instagram feeds. If there’s something specific you’d like to know, please shoot me an email or give me a buzz, and I’ll do my best to help.