It’s that pointy time of year when we start to say ‘fare thee well’ to the year and start thinking about saying ‘hello, new year, you saucy minx, you’ and of course, that can only mean one thing: business planning and goal setting! Caveat time – unlike a...
Hey guess what? Communications isn’t *just* social media! Social media is just one prong in a heavily spoked communications wheel. Dodgy metaphors aside, when was the last time you took into account the full breadth of communications and marketing tactics to grow your...
So, you know what you want to say to tell your story and grow your brand. So know who you want to say it to. You have a good idea of how to get that message to that audience. But as for the when? Forget about it! Planning can make spontaneous creative types want to...
Here’s a quick one for you- have a think about every piece of communications collateral that crosses your path each day from emails and social media right through to customer experience. Some will have an indisputable impact on you, others you will barely register....
There was a specific brand that permeated my adolescence and early twenties that was cooler than cool. It’s not a stretch to say that it played a big part in informing my career choice of communications, all while keeping my skin well moisturised without using...
Remember my post about easy ways to extract feedback from clients that are testimonial-material? Have a quick read, I’ll wait… OK, so your survey built and sent out to clients? Had some coffees to get some verbal goodies? Pounced upon beautiful feedback given via...